Enterprise Center


Enterprise Block

Brockton, MA

The Enterprise Block project will be a vibrant, mixed-use devel­opment re-creating a significant city block and its street edges in downtown Brockton. The transit-oriented development sits within walking distance of the commuter rail station in downtown Brockton, and within walking distance of the city’s center. The new development will occur in two phases and will restore several historic buildings for retail, commercial and housing uses. The block is bounded by Centre Street, Main Street, Montello Street and Petronelli Way and suffers from considerable blight and phys­ical deterioration.

Trinity’s proposed development will be the catalyst to bring signif­icant reinvestment back to downtown Brockton and reinvigorate what was once a bustling downtown location. The project is de­signed to comply with the goals of the Downtown Brockton Smart Growth Overlay District (DBSGOD) and was permitted using the Commonwealth’s 40R Permitting Process. The project will consist of two phases of housing, the historic rehabilitation of an existing commercial building and the construction of a new parking garage. The project will be funded using Historic Tax Credits, Low Income Housing Tax Credits, private tax credit equity and other public and private resources.

Trinity has worked with the community to develop a multi-phase development program reflective of the goals of the City and its residents. The first phase of development consists of 113 units of housing in a rehabilitated historic building as well as new construction along Centre Street. The historic Gardner Building will include 42 artist live work units which will be affordable to artists earning up to 60% of the Area Median Income (AMI). The remaining 71 units of new construction will include a mix of affordable and market rate units. In addition to the housing there will also be ground floor retail, artist gallery space, green space and parking. The existing Enterprise Building will also be historically rehabilitated to create 55,000 square feet of new commercial and office space.

The second phase of development consists of 102 units of housing, again a mix of affordable and market rate units, as well as a 326 space parking garage and additional green space.

Upon completion this project will consist of 215 units of housing, 10,000 square feet of retail and artist exhibition space, 52,000 square feet of commercial space and 544 parking spaces.

Type: Mixed-Use, Transit-Oriented
Total development cost: $100 million
Completed: 2015

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Urban Land Institute, 2022 | Two-time Awardee: AFFORDABLE HOUSING and INNOVATION | More Info